
The #CulturalDealEU campaign calls heads of states and governments of the EU Member States to devote at least 2% of their National Resilience and Recovery Plans (NRRPs) to culture and show due evidence for cultural and European relevance. 
#CulturalDealEU is jointly developed by Culture Action EuropeEuropean Cultural Foundation, and Europa Nostra (representing the European Cultural Alliance). By bundling together both short and long term objectives, a joint statement envisions as a roadmap towards a more balanced, more comprehensive, and more inclusive European development model.

Support the #CulturalDealEU now by endorsing it!

Joint letter EU-US Summit June 2021: Call to support cultural relations

More than 100 organizations from the EU and the US have signed a letter ahead of the EU-US Summit in June 2021 to call for a greater focus on EU-US cultural relations and to reduce the obstacles to visas and work. Matters of particular importance also in recovering from the Corona crisis.

ITI Germany and IGBK, cooperation partners for the European Secretariat of German Culture NGOs, are amongst the signatory list as well.

Read the whole letter and view the signatory list here: EU_US_JuneSummit_final2_15062021


While the policy-makers are currently concerned with mapping out the road towards Europe’s sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, the European cultural community urges them to include culture as a key component in this process – and beyond. Culture Action Europe, European Cultural Foundation, and Europa Nostra (representing the European Cultural Alliance) jointly proposed a Cultural Deal for Europe framework. This overarching strategy aims at placing culture at the center of the European project and mainstreaming it across all policy fields: from the green transition to Europe’s geopolitical ambition and from the digital shift to a value-driven Union.

What does the Cultural Deal for Europe propose?

  • Devoting at least 2% of the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) for culture. 
  • All national recovery and resilience plans must show due evidence of cultural and European relevance.
  • Full inclusion of culture in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and the European Green Deal.
  • Make sure funding for culture is mainstreamed into other relevant EU programmes and actions.
  • Relevant and timely support to cultural workers.

Joint Statement

Campaign website