Culture Action Europe announces new Secretary General

CAE announced the appointment of Tere Badia to the post of Secretary General of Culture Action Europe. Tere will join CAE as of 1 April 2018, complementing the experience and skills already present in the CAE board and team. She is dedicated to cultural research and production in various formats. and has carried out several studies on cultural policies, networks and R+D+i for visual arts. Until January 2018, Tere Badia was director of Hangar – center for artistic production and research in Barcelona.

Read: Networks of Tomorrow: CAE speaks with Tere Badia

CAE launches the Double for Culture Campaign

The U.K.’s departure will leave an approximate €12 billion annual gap in the EU budget that needs to be covered. Proposed is a combination of fresh money and cuts across all EU programmes, with the exception of Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020. Creative Europe, the main EU programme dedicated to culture, represents 0.14% of the EU total budget (2014-2020), out of which only one third (31%) is earmarked for culture. Given the relevance and efficacy of the programme and the need for increasing its budget, new resources should be provided independently of possible mergers with other programmes. CAE demands to double the budget available for culture in absolute terms and to ensure that at least 1% of the next MFF is allocated to culture across policy fields and funding programmes.

CAE reflection paper: Future of Europe

Culture Action Europe’s Reflection Paper “Belonging and Becoming: A cultural response to the White Paper on the Future of Europe and the accompanying reflection papers” proposes a first answer to this question, reflecting the voices of over 500 cultural players throughout Europe:

• The Cultural Sector’s assessment of the 5 Scenarios
• Guiding principles and actions for a 6th Scenario
• A cultural response to the European Commission reflection papers
– Reflection Paper on the social dimension of Europe
– Reflection Paper on harnessing globalisation
– Reflection Paper on the future of European defence
– Reflection Paper on the future of EU finances