Creatives Unite – Information on response to Covid-19

The Creatives Unite platform is operated by the European Creative Hubs Network and the Goethe-Institut as part of the Creative FLIP project.

The site went online in May and has been designed as the the platform for the cultural sector to share information and good practices. Creatives Unite aims to gather all information and initiatives of the CCI sector in the EU that arose in response to the COVID-19 crisis as well as to offers the opportunity to co-create and share solutions.

On June 26 the platform invites for an online dialoge of representatives from the Cultural and Creative Sectors with Commissioner Gabriel, the European Parliament and the Council: United for a New Future 

Open Letter for Proportionate Approach to Reopening Venues

PEARLE* Performance Europe, has pointed out in an open letter on the occasion of the meeting of the Ministers of Culture with Commissioner Gabriel that in the course of the reopening of venues not only the upper limit for spectators but also the size of the venues must be included in the regulations. The ministers called for coordinated regulations for clear communication with the audience and consideration of the expected loss of revenue due to reduced seating capacity.

Ministers of Culture Decleration on Culture in Times of COVID – 19 Crisis

On May 1st, the Croatian EU Presidency has presented a joint declaration on “Culture in times of the Covid 19 crisis”.

The declaration, initiated by Monika Grütters, German state minister for culture, and supported by all EU Member States except Hungary, thus explicitly recognises the importance of artists, creative people and journalists. The ministers urged that the aid from the funds and programmes planned at EU level must also reach culture and the media. The “Creative Europe” funding programme, which is important for culture, should be designed as flexibly as possible.

A first set of national and European measures have been put together as a basis for further action to support the recovery of the sectors. 

First ietm Report on Arts in Time of Pandemic

At the dawn of lockdown measures taken by governments across the globe, ietm has circulated a survey among its members to get a grip on how the new reality has affected them so far. Based on the key findings of the survey, this report, published on March 28, outlines the situation on an international scale, identifies the most burning needs of the sector in times of the pandemic and presents an overview of governments’ responses to the COVID-19 crisis. The report concludes with policy recommendations intended for EU, national and local authorities.

Elena Polivtseva: PERFORMING ARTS IN TIMES OF THE PANDEMIC. Status quo and the way forward. download (PDF)

IETM Digital Jorney to Tromsoe

On Thursday, 30 April, between 12:00 – 13:30 CET, ietm invites members and non members to a digital ditigal spring meeting.

The programme on Arts and Activism will include an opening Yoik led by Sami artists, a welcome word by the organisers, an inspiring keynote speech with room for discussion among participants, as well as an informal Kodak-moment to rise  raise glasses and cups to the spirit of activism, solidarity and fellowship. 

The meeting will be held online, through Zoom (register here)

Joint Policy Paper “Beyond the Urban”

Culture Action Europe (CAE), the European Network of Cultural Centres (ENCC), IETM – International network for contemporary performing arts, and Trans Europe Halles (TEH) have published a joint policy paper on the significance of culture and the arts in non-urban and peripheral areas of Europe. Based on many years of experience, the paper identifies challenges for the many existing and potential projects in those areas, and offer policy solutions to support them.

“Beyond Urban – Contemporary arts and culture in non-urban areas as keys to a sustainable and cohesive Europe”