PEARLE* Performance Europe, has pointed out in an open letter on the occasion of the meeting of the Ministers of Culture with Commissioner Gabriel that in the course of the reopening of venues not only the upper limit for spectators but also the size of the venues must be included in the regulations. The ministers called for coordinated regulations for clear communication with the audience and consideration of the expected loss of revenue due to reduced seating capacity.
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Ministers of Culture Decleration on Culture in Times of COVID – 19 Crisis
On May 1st, the Croatian EU Presidency has presented a joint declaration on “Culture in times of the Covid 19 crisis”.
The declaration, initiated by Monika Grütters, German state minister for culture, and supported by all EU Member States except Hungary, thus explicitly recognises the importance of artists, creative people and journalists. The ministers urged that the aid from the funds and programmes planned at EU level must also reach culture and the media. The “Creative Europe” funding programme, which is important for culture, should be designed as flexibly as possible.
A first set of national and European measures have been put together as a basis for further action to support the recovery of the sectors.
Culture at EU-Commission
At the beginning of December, the members of the new European Commission are to be confirmed and take up their work. The term “Culture” has disappeared from the newly tailored resorts which has led to numerous protests. The European Music Council now refers in a press release to Italy’s official intervention to include culture in the portfolio of Mariya Gabriel, the Commissioner for Innovation and Youth.
This topic will be on the agenda of the Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council meeting on 21 and 22 November.
Culture of Mobility in the Time of Climate Change
A public forum during On the Move’s General Assembly in Prague in April looked at the impact of international exchange within the cultural and creative sectors on the climate, including its influence on cities and supporting sustainable mobility. Among the speakers was Sandra Grziwa of the European Cultural Foundation, who presented on the implementation of the requirements on the sustainable mobility into funding programs.
You can watch the forum at HowlRound
IETM: Porto reports
These thought-provoking and informative reports from the plenary meeting (programme) in Porto highlight the most pivotal points which were debated:
– Producing in the margins
– The forces of the market
– Artistic creation outside the urban areas
– Live time, alive in time
IETM has relaunched it’s call for a new Secretary General. The job description and the application conditions are here, the deadline is 1st of September.
Culture in regions and cities
The European Alliance for Culture and Arts regretts that the 7th cohesion report of the European Commission, which was presented at the opening of the European Week of Regions and Cities in October, does not take into account culture and the arts in its findings related to the measuring of social progress, education, well-being, health and urban infrastructures and in general in the future shape of cohesion policy.
The Alliance has called European, regional and local policy makers to integrate culture and the arts in the post 2020 objectives and future evaluation criteria of the social cohesion strategy.