Having the right and the means to act artistically – join the digital IAA Europe Talk 17.09.20 at 2pm

iaa logo sw talksIn the late summer of 2020, IAA Europe starts a series of online debates to bring members and supporters closer together, to discuss what can be the role of artists associations today and especially their (re)union on an international level.

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IAA Europe General Assembly in Bratislava

On 23 November 2019, IAA Europe’s 15th General Assembly took place in Bratislava/ Slovakia. As already decided at the General Assembly last year, the Presidency of IAA Europe was handed over to Andrea Kristek Kozárová from the Slovak Union of Visual Artists (SUVA).

The day before the assembly, on 22 November 2019, the conference “Legal and social statutes of artists in Europe – 30 years after the Velvet Revolution: Focus on the Directive (EU) 2019/790 on Copyright in the digital Single Market” was organised by IAA Europe, supported by the Norwegian Collecting Society KOPINOR. National implementations of the so called EU-Digital-Single-Market-Directive were discussed as well as its impact for IAA Europe members from EFAT/EWR countries. The General Assembly adopted a resolution on the implementation of the Directive for an appropriate and proportionate remuneration of visual artists in Europe.

Read the conference program and full text of the resolution on the IAA Europe Website.