CAE Members Forum in Brussels

On 21 and 22 March 2019, the Culture Action Europe (CAE) Members Forum took place in Brussels. In view of the European elections, the members exchanged their regional implementations of the CAE European Election Campaign. The common goal is the best possible positioning of cultural interests in a new EU Parliament from the second half of 2019 on.

Likewise, ideas and wishes for the new EU Creative Europe program after 2020 were discussed. Parallel to the negotiations for the new EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027, the individual programs of the EU will be reorganized. The issue of mobility of cultural workers received special support here and the call for an appropriate definition and positioning of cultural education in the final drafts of the new Creative Europe program.

Another exchange took place on structural issues of Culture Action Europe. Internal networking was discussed concerning thematic or regional working groups, the so-called “hubs”. The CAE Board also presented the current Culture Action Europe Strategy Paper with thematic focus:
• Redraft of EU programs relevant to the cultural sector and negotiations on the Multiannual Financial Framework of the EU 2021-2027
• Working conditions in the cultural sector in Europe, with a particular focus on income conditions and the social protection of artists and the conditions for international mobility of cultural workers in Europe and beyond.
• Freedom of expression and cultural rights, with the elaboration of the legal framework at national levels as well as corresponding regulations at EU level.
• Artistic and cultural research, in particular the so-called STEAM Practices, which stand for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics, and put the added value of today’s artistic practices in research and development forward.

The first plans for the CAE annual conference Beyond the Obvious were also presented, which will take place from 23 to 26 October 2019 at the German-Swiss border near Konstanz / Kreuzlingen.

EP Elections: For Fundamental Role of Culture!

The Culture Action Europe EP Elections 2019 Campaign aims to foster a stronger recognition of the cultural dimension of the European Union and culture’s contribution to Europe. Cultural and creative sectors advocate for the culture and Europe that is democratic, diverse, fair, free, human, inclusive and vital.  The Campaign gives voters the ability to make an informed decision about the role of culture in the political party programmes and to encourage voters to make their voice heard. Read the Culture Action Europe appeal in full here and take a look to a list of questions to candidates and programmes.

IETM Spring Plenary Meeting 2019

The IETM Spring Plenary Meeting in Hull (UK) begins on the eve of the very day that the UK leaves the European Union.
IETM Hull 2019 will explore the reality of inclusion in today’s societies, in their artistic representations and in the process of creation. The participants will examine issues around race, ethnicity, faith, disability, age, gender, sexuality, class and economic disadvantage and any social and institutional barriers that  prevent people from participating in and enjoying the arts as an integral part of the societies they live in.

IETM’s new Secretary General

Ása Richardsdóttir will take over the position of IETM’s Secretary General from the 1st of February 2019. Ása is currently the director of Ice Hot Reykjavík 2018, the biannual Nordic Dance Platform, project ambassador for the Nordic Culture Fund, and a long-standing member of IETM. Nan van Houte will remain Secretary General until the 1st of March 2019, and the network will bid her farewell during the IETM Spring Plenary Meeting 2019. Read the complete IETM press release here

CAE German hub meeting in Berlin

The European Secretariat of German Culture NGOs organizes a CAE German Hub meeting on 7th and 8th of November in Berlin.  Representatives from Germany based CAE member organizations, experts and culture politicians will discuss with CAE Secretary General Tere Badia the CAE Appeal for the European Elections 2019, fresh outcomes from the BTO-conference in Bucharest and cultural perspectives to the German EU presidency 2020.