On the Move’s General Assembly and related meetings were held in Cardiff, Wales on 5-6 April 2017. ITI Germany and IGBK were present. The new elected board consists of: Anna Galas-Kosil (President), Pavla Petrova (Secretary), Marie Fol (Treasurer), Anaïs Lukacs, Yohann Floch, Elena Di Federico and Kamma Siegumfeldt (Administrators). Fove working groups have been set up: 1) Mobility Information points’ subgroup: coordinators: Jana Grünewald/Christine Heemsoth (ITI/IGBK)
2) Communication: Marion Marchand (Circostrada) on the basis of what has been carried out with the Luxembourg workshops in 2012 and 2014
3) Visas and freedom of movement: Reinier Klok (DutchCulture)
4) Advocacy: Elena Di Federico (IETM)
See On The Move activities and information at: http://on-the-move.org